Well, not quite so brightly as I wanted. Still have not caught a steelhead. Conditions are really quite poor, and water clarity downstream from the dam is disgusting. I threw on a big black Dave's bad hair day with blue flashabou, and a heavy sink tip and managed to be grabbed by this sweet little lake run brown @ 22 inches. A fish on a swung fly is enough for me. I was pleased to just get a grab. The back eddy I landed the fish in actually contained among other debris a crack or meth pipe. It was a little glass thing with a round end that was scorched. I would have taken a picture of it, but it got swept under a dead salmon carcass, and even I have my limits...
All in all, I fished with confidence all day, despite the poor conditions.There is no substitute for time on the river, even if you are communing with snaggers and crack pipes...
Seriously, addressing the "Salmon fishing" what the heck is up with the guy I saw with what looked to be a spinning rod with fly-line and split-shot? It was painful to watch as he flailed away, and staggered around in the river. He seemed to be stuck on the bottom most of the time. He would flop the setup out and then immediately be stuck, giving the "Wisconsin Heave" on the rod repeatedly to try to get it off the bottom. Then, when free at last he 'cast' again and got stuck again. Einstein defined insanity as "Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. The comedy of errors that occurs on our tributary rivers each fall when the salmon run could be a subject for a movie. Titles anyone?
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